By thinking differently you can become a reference

We design and develop innovative digital web and mobile solutions that propel today's businesses into tomorrow's world.

Atipik is neither an agency, nor a traditional development company, nor yet another IT consulting firm. For 13 years, we have been designing and building digital products for ourselves and our clients.

Web or mobile applications, business or consumer solutions, for startups or big companies, our solutions are unique, made for a single client. They fit the need like a wetsuit.

To date, the design and launch of more than 150 mobile applications and 60 web platforms (portal, website and web application) used by millions of users around the world has allowed our teams to acquire unparalleled experience in many technological sectors.

Agile by nature, sincere by essence, ingenious by definition, and local by principle, our talented team speaks their mind and acts on it, without compromise, yes we do!

Like any good product studio, we design our own solutions and services in a variety of sectors, including healthcare, smart cities and real estate. For us, digitalization is a chance to make a difference, not to follow a trend. Therefore, we are not afraid to do things differently as long as we have a positive impact.

Our way of working in a few words


Hand in hand your client you shall accompany

The partnerships we build with our clients are made to last. This is why we place great importance on the quality of the support and follow-up of our projects, right from the start.


On time you shall deliver and the budget you shall respect

Our team of Project Owner Managers is there to ensure the smooth running of projects. Estimation phases, agile processes, but above all close communication with our clients, are all elements that allow us to deliver your digital products on time!


The user experience you will worship

It all starts with the end user. The products we design are thought of first and foremost for your customers, your targets and the users. The user experience is at the heart of the design, which allows us to offer digital solutions that are appreciated and useful.


At the cutting edge of technology you will be

Staying up to date on the latest news and monitoring is important. For this reason, once a month we organize an internal tech breakfast to exchange on a tech, design, web, mobile topic...


You shall embody sincerity and transparency

No blah, no bulls**t. Our word is true and honest all the time and with everyone, simply.


With love you will code and in review your code will pass

Make code because we like it. But most of all, to make quality code. All this to make web and mobile products always more efficient and effective!


In socks at the office you will walk and relaxed you will be

You can sell your ties and shirts, we have hoodies and slippers all year round! At Atipik, no fuss, the atmosphere is relaxed and everyone can come as they are.


The fondue you will like

A precious ritual that has lasted for several years. The fondue is an important part of the meal and allows the team to meet regularly. Beer fondue, mushroom fondue, curry fondue, saveloy fondue, we love it in all its forms.


Your carbon footprint you shall limit

Don't print papers all day long, sort your waste, use the compost bin, turn off your computer before leaving in the evening. It's up to each of us to integrate these habits into our routine, even at the office.


By bike or kick scooter you will get around

Soft mobility has been adopted by the majority of employees. 88% have decided to leave their car in the garage and come to the office by bike, scooter or public transport.

Our team

Unity is strength! Here is a variety of unusual profiles, geeks, creatives, jokers, but above all a bunch of humans who work in harmony to conceive your ideas.

Xavier's picture
Products & Projects manager
The Tech Explorer 🧭
Yannick's picture
Associate · CEO
Atipik's Dad 👴
Florian's picture
Software Engineer · Mobile
Software Engineer · Mobile
Maxime's picture
Head of Business Dev.
Sales Explorer 🌍
Jérémy's picture
Software Engineer · Web
Coding Jedi Knight ⭐
Vincent's picture
CFO & Human resource
Money keeper 💰
Yann's picture
Software Engineer · Web
Crypto-guy 🚀
Rémi L.'s picture
Rémi L.
Software Engineer · Web
Al Dente Developer 👨‍🍳
Xavier G.'s picture
Xavier G.
Product & UX Designer & Business Analyst
Snapshot Designer 📸
Antoine's picture
Software Engineer · Mobile
Mr. Walter White Android 🧪
David's picture
Associate · Senior Software Engineer
Code brewer 🍺
Sébastien's picture
Software Engineer · Mobile
Code Trailer 🥾
Arne's picture
Product Designer
Component Blender 🍳
Sebastian's picture
Software Engineer · Web
Cyclo-Fullstack 🚴🏻
Matthieu's picture
Software Engineer . Web
Debugologist 🧑‍💻
Lucas's picture
Lead Software Engineer · Web
Master Linter 📐
Stefan's picture
Product Designer
Pixel tamer 👾
Claire's picture
Digital Marketing Manager · CHO
Captain of Multitasking 👌🏻
Simon's picture
Associate · Technical Director
Lord of All Things Technical 👑
Guillaume's picture
Products & Projects manager
Tech Trails Manager 🏔
Yasmine's picture
Products & Projects manager
Agile Surfer 🏄‍♀️
Rémi's picture
Software Engineer · Mobile
Successful TikTokeur 😉
Alex's picture
Software Engineer . Web
Rubik's Developer 💠
Alexis's picture
Software Engineer . Web
Web watchmaker ⌚
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Do you also come to work wearing a hoodie? Send us your résumé!

No deadline for application is defined, the resumes will be studied as soon as they are received. Recruitment agencies, please abstain.